celebrity, empowerment, inspiration, motivation, self-help Jacqueline Journey celebrity, empowerment, inspiration, motivation, self-help Jacqueline Journey

The KVJ Show & “The Diva's in the Details!”

It's been an absolutely amazing month! My book sold out in paperback on Amazon (twice!) and Barnes & Noble (yeah!!!- links where to get it now are included below) and now the absolute BEST radio show on earth (I LOVE Virginia!!!) has taken the time to talk about my book and specifically one of the things I reveal in the book that holds us back and can get in the way of us going after our dreams...

Thank you so much Virginia, Kevin & Jason!!! Listen here to the segment and check out The KVJ Show on WRMF (97.9 in S Florida) and iHeart Radio! 





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celebrity, self-help, inspiration, empowerment, film, motivation Jacqueline Journey celebrity, self-help, inspiration, empowerment, film, motivation Jacqueline Journey


This is my first time. My first blog entry. I am so excited to share, learn, laugh and love with all of you. My passions are empowerment, beauty, style and entertainment. I have had years of experience producing, acting, directing, casting and training people to be their best in front of the camera - and all of that experience helped me author my first book "The Diva's in the Details" which will be published on May 24th 2018! In addition to sharing tons of the invaluable knowledge I've gained over the years working with, meeting and spending time with extraordinary people (Oscar Winners, Grammy Winners, Icons, Billionaires, Legends and awe-inspiring everyday people) I will also be sharing the best of the best: the most glamorous, the most inspiring & the most amazing things from right here in gorgeous Palm Beach, a place I feel very blessed to call home. I can't wait to get to know you and begin this amazing adventure together! Stay tuned, excerpts and tips from “The Diva’s in the Details” coming soon right here!     XOXO, J

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